HEPI provides granular insight into current and historical European residential energy prices in 33 European capital cities on a monthly basis starting from January 2009 with the EU15 countries and gradually expanded to all of the EU Member States in addition to members of the European Energy Community, Great Britain and Switzerland.
Our role in HEPI
The Austrian energy regulator (Energie-Control) and the Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority (MEKH) have commissioned VaasaETT to compile and publish electricity and gas price-rankings in 33 European capital cities on a monthly basis starting from January 2009 with the EU15 countries and gradually expanded to the all of the EU Member States in addition to members of the European Energy Community, Great Britain and Switzerland.
HEPI highlights
HEPI provides a monthly report for a more complete picture on how the economic turmoil and changing wholesale prices have impacted the residential electricity and natural gas bills.