
Public Research Projects

Tackling technological and societal challenges at European level

Through partnerships with leading R&D experts, smart-energy industries, energy companies, municipalities, consumer groups and NGOs we contribute to the innovation of the energy landscape in Europe with a focus on excellent science, industrial leadership and societal transformation.

Our dedicated data scientists, analysts and communication experts have a track record in leading work packages and tasks in the FP7 and Horizon programmes.

Our support includes

  • Data provision. VaasaETT has a large up-to-date database of energy market data covering all EU and many non-EU markets, including granular price data and other key market metrics, as well as data on for instance energy pilots and rollouts. The data has been used in various research projects a part of market assessment tasks, research of existing solutions and/or to base assumptions made during modelling.
  • Benchmarking and KPI assessment. We use meta-analysis results from our pilot database to extract benchmark figures for specific pilot characteristics and research consumers’ response in different incentives, study the characteristics of successful energy efficiency and/or demand response pilots or programmes and identify feedback elements associated with consumer engagement in terms of energy savings, peak clipping and/or user satisfaction. We also define project impact assessment strategies, including the design of KPIs calculation formulas and identification of required data, provision of benchmark numbers whenever applicable and their calculation and assessment during the late project stages.
  • Data analysis, machine learning/modelling. We analyse raw and structured data using  fundamental statistical and advanced machine learning technics to identify patterns and extract useful conclusions. We employ these technics in research projects to calculate Key Performance Metrics, segment customers based on their demographic and/or consumption characteristics, provide input to feedback systems, group energy markets based on their similarity etc. We also use modelling techniques to explain and predict the behaviour of variables of interest in the short-term and long-term, e.g. consumption needs, wholesale/retails prices, switching rates, margins, generation shares.
  • Dissemination, communication and stakeholder engagement. We design and implement comprehensive strategies to communicate project-related information and disseminate project results. Our expertise includes managing digital platforms and tools, event management, scientific dissemination management, brand design and production of marketing materials. Furthermore, through our collaborative model and extensive network of energy practitioners, DSOs and utilities around the world, we are uniquely placed to lead stakeholder engagement and dialogue. Our tailor-made stakeholder engagement strategies aim to involve interested parties in knowledge sharing as well as to ensure that project outcomes are exploited beyond the project end.
  • Policy recommendations. Based on assessments of relevant policy frameworks, our recommendations regarding policy and market structures aim to facilitate the technology-neutral and speedier transition toward a decarbonised energy system with active citizens, improved energy security and reduced energy poverty.

Selected partners