The EU Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) and the Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER) recently published the Energy Retail and Consumer Protection Volume of this year’s Market Monitoring Report, offering an enlightening overview of retail energy market developments across the EU 2021-2022. VaasaETT, being a key source of the research, has contributed significantly to the report with a number of graphs and analysis.
Some main findings, selected by the authors of the report:
- Retail energy prices started an upward trend at the end of 2021 and will continue to rise during 2022 and into 2023.
- More and more consumers will be facing the risk of energy poverty due to the soaring electricity and gas prices.
- Supplier bankruptcies limited choices in the market for energy consumers.
- Consumers have demonstrated preference for fixed price contracts. However, suppliers will struggle to offer such contracts at competitive prices in 2022 and likely into 2023.
Additionally, the Volume includes recent pricing information for 2022 and policy suggestions to manage the energy prices. This analysis was conducted exclusively by VaasaETT.
Download the analysis to find out more: