VaasaETT is excited to announce that our household energy price data (HEPI) is now integrated into ACER’s data dashboard. It […]
For the 18th consecutive year, VaasaETT has proudly collaborated with Capgemini on the development of the latest World Energy Markets […]
The 25th annual World Energy Markets Observatory (WEMO) by Capgemini, in collaboration with VaasaETT and Enerdata, has been recently published. This […]
The EU Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) and the Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER) recently published […]
To what extent is the energy situation in Europe affecting the Australian energy markets? What are the implications of the […]
Another major organisation, the International Energy Agency, has included our data in their electricity market analysis. Our own Data Science […]
How high would European household electricity prices be without the various subsidies, tax cuts, compensation payments, price caps and other […]
Powerful and topical findings, especially relating to soaring wholesale prices and their impact on household retail prices, were released this […]